Dr. med. Brian Clements
Kingsbridge Private Hopsital
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Consultant Cardiologist Qualifications/Training • MB BCh BAO Queens University of Belfast 1985 • MD Queens University of Belfast 1991; Prediction of sudden cardiac death and arrhythmia after acute Myocardial Infarction • MRCP (UK) 1987 • Trained in Cardiology in Belfast (1987-1994) • Cardiology Fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital Boston (1994-1995) Professional bodies • FRCP Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (London) • FRCPI Fellow of Royal College of Physicians of Ireland • Member of British Cardiovascular Society, British Society of Echocardiography, British Cardiovascular Intervention Society, Irish Cardiac Society, Regional Specialty Advisor for Cardiology I am a Consultant Cardiologist at the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, based at the Mater Hospital, Belfast. I also practice at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. My areas of specialist interest include echocardiography (heart scans) including stress and trans-oesophageal (TOE) echocardiography, management of coronary heart disease and heart failure and percutaneous coronary intervention (heart dye tests/angioplasty/stenting). My private clinic takes place at the Kingsbridge Private Hospital. I have over 24 years of clinical experience at consultant level. I am an Honorary Clinical Lecturer at the Queens University. TREATMENT INFORMATION/ AREAS OF INTEREST I am available for cardiology consultations in areas including the assessment of chest pain, palpitations, suspected heart failure, raised blood pressure, abnormal ECGs, the assessment of heart function and investigation of a murmur.