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Flexible patient journeys

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Which of the following best describes your business process?

How do your patients typically pay for services?

Do your patients need to schedule appointments?

Does your telehealth service include triage?

Your journey

Subscription Care

Offer a variety of subscriptions that patients can purchase to gain unrestricted access to your platform and its services

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On-Demand Consults

Each platform service is uniquely named and accompanied by a comprehensive description to clearly communicate its benefits and details.

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Scheduled Visits

Seamlessly book and manage appointments, meetings, and consultations from anywhere with our user-friendly online scheduling platform

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Care Coordination Hub

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Health Membership

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Pre-registration form
  • Seamlessly customize and manage patient pre-registration with unlimited questions.
  • Save responses directly to patient profiles, making them accessible to connected providers for an enhanced patient journey.
Matching form
  • Optimize patient-provider matching with versatile forms that capture detailed information before or after registration.
  • Tailor forms to ensure only relevant providers are displayed, enhancing the patient journey.
Intake forms
  • Streamline patient intake with unlimited customizable forms triggered by specific events or sent manually.
  • Admins can manage these forms to support the patient journey effectively.
Upload provider seal
Empower admins to associate a provider-specific seal for signing forms sent to patients or employers, adding a layer of authenticity and professionalism.
Customize your platform with full translation capabilities using Healee’s localization files, ensuring accessibility for a global audience.
Offer patients the convenience of using provider or clinic-distributed vouchers to cover consultation costs, applicable for telehealth and in-person appointments.
Health Self-Tracker
Enable patients to log and track their health data, such as pulse rate, blood pressure, height, and weight, with all information accessible to connected providers
Medical records
Allow providers to access and review all medical documents uploaded by patients, ensuring comprehensive patient care.
Support patients in tracking and managing various health conditions over time, with data accessible to connected providers for better health monitoring.
Apple health
Integrate seamlessly with HealthKit to allow patients to send and track their health data in Healee, enhancing health management.
Lab Results
Provide a dedicated area for patients to upload lab results and other documentation, easily accessible to all connected providers.
Integrate DoseSpot to enable providers to safely and easily e-prescribe medications, enhancing the prescription process.
Streamline healthcare operations with seamless integration with AthenaHealth.
Manage healthcare efficiently with integration with Elation, ensuring seamless healthcare management.
Optimize healthcare operations with Hint integration for efficient management.
Enhance SMS and email marketing communication with patients through integration with Klaviyo, allowing admins to manage outreach effectively.
Mobile Apps
Push notifications
Keep users informed with configurable in-app notifications for unread messages, ensuring they stay updated.
Mobile apps
Download Healee's native apps from the Google Play Store and Apple Store for easy access to healthcare services on the go.
BI and Reporting
Custom Reports
Admins can pull custom reports based on various data sets.
Data Export
Admins can consult and export various data sets, including consultation details, call durations, payments, and patient information.

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