Personalized demo

Telehealth solution capabilities

Increase continuity of care

Fully integrated telehealth solution capabilities help you eliminate any gaps in virtual care, reduce digital fatigue among staff and enhance quality of care

Personalized demo
Telehealth solution capabilities
Telehealth solution capabilities
Telehealth solution capabilities
Telehealth solution capabilities

HIPAA-compliant telehealth solution capabilities

Healee’s HIPAA-compliant telehealth solution capabilities include multi-channel communication, remote patient monitoring, team coordination and time-saving tools

Encrypted audio and video calls

Stay connected through highly secure HIPAA-compliant communication between patient, provider, and facility on any device

In-call screen sharing, texting, file exchange

Share screen during video calls, attach and send files or type messages in the thread during the session

Recording logs

Review recordings for note-taking and reimbursement purposes

Secure messaging

Choose between synchronous and asynchronous communication over multiple modalities – chat, file sharing, data exchange
Short video requests
Ask the patient to record and share a short video before or during the consultation

Medication prescriptions

Create and send prescriptions directly to patients or pharmacies. Healee supports integration with some of the biggest e-prescription software

Patient invitations

Send invitation links to patients for a free or paid virtual consultation through the platform

Message notifications

Receive email, SMS, or in-app notifications for unread messages from patients or colleagues

Personalized care

Provide timely personalized care by following each patient individually

Subscription to patient data

Monitor patients’ vital signs collected across integrated devices or input by the patient

Condition changes notifications

Set up trigger parameters to receive notifications for treatment adjustment or extra screenings of patients

Collaboration tools

Collaborate efficiently with the entire care team and other physician colleagues

Group video calls and chat

Go beyond the isolated one-off session through Healee's reliable video conferencing capabilities that support multi-party sessions and allow multidisciplinary consultations and assisting patients’ extended care teams

Patient referrals and care transitions

Improve health outcomes for patients with Healee’s seamless patient referral capabilities that make it easier for clinical staff to collaborate on patients’ cases and ensure care coordination

Personal coordinator for patients’ intake

Have a coordinator be the liaison between clinicians and patients prior to the consultation. The coordinators could join the conversation with the patient, perform a triage or help with the administrative details around the appointment and then transfer the patient’s case to a clinician

Provider-to-provider communication

Connect with other clinicians via live chat or video and cooperate on more complicated cases, discuss treatment plans, exchange knowledge or patient information

Time-saving tools

Reduce workload and increase productivity with time-saving telehealth solution capabilities

Message templates

Message templates for common cases and conditions. Create your own templates or patient questionnaires for common conditions or chronic diseases


Save time with Healee's medical-grade speech recognition tool that allows dictating messages to patients

Provider notes

Create and edit various types of notes in the patient file - free type, dictation, template

Voice messages and saved replies

Send voice messages or save some of the most common replies you send to patients, so that you can reuse them

Mass message campaigns

Create mass message campaigns and send them to patients at once, to let them know of important developments, changes in your schedule, upcoming vaccination and screening campaigns, and new subscription plans

Patient-generated data

Enable remote patient monitoring with patient-generated health data

Lab results

Review lab results that patients could scan using their phone camera. The image is turned into digital data that you can view and analyze


View static and dynamic medical images uploaded by patients with a built-in viewer (incl. X-rays, MRI, PET and CT scans)


Ask patients to share their medical data - past and present symptoms and conditions, treatments, medication schedules and reminders


Monitor patients' vitals, which they input manually or collect through apple health integrated devices

Medical history

Access patients’ medical history of pre-existing conditions, medications and treatment outcomes