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Dr Okenwa Nwosu

Primary care


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Dr Nwosu was certified by the American Board of Surgery in December 1981. He completed his residency in general surgery at Howard University Hospital in June 1980. He did his undergraduate studies at Howard University and also graduated from the same institution’s College of Medicine in May 1975. Dr. Nwosu was born in Nigeria where he had his primary and secondary school education before coming to the US to further his career in November 1970. After his residency, Dr Nwosu served for one year as a Clinical Instructor in the Department of Surgery, Howard University Hospital. He returned to his home country in late 1981 and established active medical practice amongst the rural population of Anambra state, Nigeria where he resided with his family for almost 14 years. This period exposed Dr. Nwosu to a broad spectrum of challenges in delivery of healthcare in Third-World setting where basic facilities are not readily available. This exposure also compelled him to broaden the scope of his practice far beyond surgery to encompass aspects of primary healthcare that have greatly impacted his professional inclinations in recent years. He played leadership roles in his hometown community and environs as well as in mainstream politics of his state during his extended residency at Igboukwu. He came back into the US in late 1995 with his family and resumed professional practice in the Washington, DC metro area.