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How online doctors can help

You can turn to doctors for advice about any problem within their specialty.
Here are a few examples how doctors can help you

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80% of all dermatological cases can be solved remotely. Dermatologists can help with a number of skin problems, including acne, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea, hives (urticaria), hair loss, moles, herpes simplex, melanoma, actinic keratosis, cold sores, dandruff, dry scalp, psoriasis, and more.


Gastroenterologists can provide consultation and second opinion on the most common gastrointestinal problems, including acid reflux (heartburn), indigestion, nausea and vomiting, ulcer, bloating, biliary tract problems, pancreatitis, constipation, diarrhea (acute and chronic), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and hemorrhoids.

In addition, you can get help, close supervision and medication management if you have a chronic condition like Crohn’s disease, hepatitis C, and colitis.


You can turn to urologists if you have acute and chronic urinary tract infections, or problems related to male reproductive organs. In addition, Healee is an excellent option if you need post-operative or follow-up care.

Imaging diagnostics

You can use Healee to easily upload any medical imaging, including Xrays, and MRI, PET and CT scans, and imaging diagnostics specialists can help with interpretation or second opinion.


Via Healee’s live video capabilities, you can turn to psychiatrists for remote psychiatric evaluations, individual or group therapy sessions, counselling and medication management. According to recent studies, telepsychiatry is equivalent to in-person care in terms of diagnostic accuracy, treatment effectiveness, quality of care and patient satisfaction. Patient privacy and confidentiality are equivalent to in-person care.

You can seek help and advice about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), where telepsychiatry has been found to be particularly effective


Healee allows you to easily upload and share your x-rays, and even large-size MRI images, so that you can ask orthopaedists for advice and second opinion before deciding whether to have an operation.


You can seek advice about any hormone-related problems and disorders, such as diabetes (Type 1 and 2), osteoporosis, obesity, menopause, low testosterone, metabolic syndrome, prediabetes, Hashimoto's thyroiditis and other thyroid disorders, adrenal disorders, parathyroid disorders, pituitary disorders, and more.

Endocronilogists can also help you better understand your blood results, and provide advice with adjustments to hormones and medications.


You can turn to ophthalmologists for advice on the most common eye problems and disorders, such as dry eye, glaucoma, cataracts, eye allergies, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy.

If you already have results from previous eye diagnostic tests and images, like retina photos, for example, you can send them to the doctor for interpretation or second opinion.


You can turn to neurologists in cases of frequent headaches and neuropathy, to get help and advice with managing symptoms, adjusting medications, curbing disease progression and raising quality of life. Via video sessions, neurologists can evaluate and provide counselling for patients suffering from dementia and Alzeheimer’s, or patients with movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis. You can also get advice and continuous disease monitoring and management in cases of epilepsy and stroke

Obstetrics and gynecology

You can turn to obstetricians-gynecologists for second opinions, follow-ups, and medication advice. In cases of complicated pregnancies, ob-gyns specialists can help with continuous monitoring of women with gestational conditions like pregnancy-induced hypertension, and gestational diabetes. Ob-gyn specialists can also provide post-delivery care in cases of postnatal depression